Emergency Financial requirment may force a person to get a loan from a lender. The requestor of the loan might search many lenders for his immediate money need. His short term money need is exactly fulfilled by a lender at a higher rate of interest and fee. This loan may fulfill his temporary but immediate need easily. The short term loans are offered by a bank or credit card company or private lenders. The amount borrowed has to be paid o time as per the norms by the borrower. If any delay he has to pay heavy interest amount in return. The time period allotted by the lender for repayment of this type of loan is one year. The customers who are not falling in the line of credit of the bank may get the short term loan still.
Asides individuals, the short term loan is highly suitable for people who do business. They need money for immediate purchase and rotation. Hence, they require lenders who offer them immediate cash for a higher rate of interest. Usually, these borrowers would not have a good credit score and hence they look for instance cash opportunities.
Let us see why many people are satisfied with the short terms loans here. This financial option is very successful among many people because
- Quick approval and minimum paperwork
- No credit score checking by the lender
- The money is deposited into the account of the borrower within a short period of approval
- Your plan of growth is uninterrupted
- credit rate gets increased
- availing options are higher than other types of loans
Online loan chances are more for a needy person. Short term loans are disbursed by many financial companies to the person. This instant online cash loan facility makes an individual feel comfortable and hassle-free for his financial commitments. The entire process is very simple and the basic skills are enough to cope with the loan availability. Eligible conditions like identity proof and age eligibility along with nationality proof are sufficient for the loan process.
Major kinds of short term loans
The following are some of the types.
- A payday loan- This loan facility is available by the requestor quickly from a lender for a short term period. This is an unsecured type of loan without collateral or paycheck formalities. The lender collects a heavy interest in the loan amount. This emergency loan is very easy to obtain
- Merchant cash advances-This is also a short term loan only for business purpose.
- Installment loan online -This is offered online on an installment basis loan availing by using a credit card. It is otherwise called a line of credit. Business people usually avail of this type of loan and they have to pay installment money on monthly basis.
- Invoice financing is yet another form of short term loan based on the business’ accounts receivables
The major disadvantages of the short term loan are the repayment period which is very short for the borrower. The period of repayment ranges from months to years.